Basics of Aircraft Construction and Systems (en) ZKSL-en-3-BP
Subject Basics of Aircraft Construction and Systems (en) (BACS-en)
Guarantee mjr. Ing. Radek Bystřický, Ph.D.
Department Katedra letecké techniky
Specialization NO
Profiling subject NO
Theory profiling subject NO
Final exam NO
Multi semestral subject NO
Subject is guaranted by other school NO
Optionality Povinně volitelný
Clasification Zápočet
Credits 4
Recommended year/semester 3/5
Number of weeks 14
Celkem (h) Př. Cv. Lab. Sem. Kurzy Praxe Stáže Soustř. Exkurze Terén SP Konzultace PV
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<div class="book-header__author">EASA ATPL Aircraft General Knowledge - Airframes and Systems for Pilots. Oxford Aviation Services. Oxford. 2001. ISBN: 0-88487-285-8  </div>

<p>EISMIN, Thomas K. Aircraft electricity and electronics. 5th edit. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002. ISBN 0-02-801859-1.</p>
<p>KAYTON, M. a FRIED, W.R. Avionics Navigation Systems. John Wiley &amp;amp; Sons, Inc. 1996. ISBN 0-471-54795-6</p>