The Middle East in the Context of International Security Relations BSV-2-NK
Subject The Middle East in the Context of International Security Relations (MEA)
Guarantee Ing. Yvona Novotná, Ph.D.
Department Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies
Specialization NO
Profiling subject NO
Theory profiling subject NO
Final exam NO
Multi semestral subject NO
Subject is guaranted by other school NO
Optionality Povinně volitelný
Clasification Zápočet
Credits 3
Recommended year/semester 1/1
Number of weeks 3
Celkem (h) Př. Cv. Lab. Sem. Kurzy Praxe Stáže Soustř. Exkurze Terén SP Konzultace PV
Geographical-political definition of the Near and Middle East, i.e. Arab/Islamic states including the State of Israel and Palestine, an overview of the historical development in the given area, the period of colonialism, the emergence of independent states of Middle East.V. 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Domestic political development of Arab/Islamic states including Israel since independence with an emphasis on the present. 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Foreign policy of selected states in the Middle East. 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Final seminar. 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
<p>Šabacká, Y.: Konflikt a politika velmocí na Blízkém východě</p>
<p>Belica, M.: Co nezavály písky Mezopotámie, Češi a Irák 1990-2020</p>
<p>Belica, M.: Vzpomínky na Sýrii. Od arabského socialismu k islámskému státu</p>
<p>Beránek, O.: Arabské revoluce. Demografické výzvy, politický islám a geopolitické dopady</p>

<p>Lewis, B.: The Middle East</p>
<p>Friedman, T.L. : From Beirut to Jerusalem</p>
<p>Gombár, E.: Moderní dějiny islámských zemí</p>
<p>Kropáček, L.: Islám a Západ</p>

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